Öffnung is a German word that means “opening” in English. It could refer to a physical opening or hole in an object, or metaphorical openings like opportunities, chances, and possibilities.
- A gap or hole through which someone or something can pass through.
- An opportunity or chance that arises for someone.
- The beginning or starting point of something.
- Schließung (closing)
- Verschluss (sealing)
- Loch (hole)
- Tür (door)
- Zugang (entrance)
- Diese Öffnung ist zu klein für das Buch. (This opening is too small for the book.)
- Die Öffnung im Zaun war groß genug für die Hunde. (The opening in the fence was big enough for the dogs.)
- Ich werde die Öffnung nutzen, um meine Karriere voranzutreiben. (I will use this opportunity to advance my career.)\ Visit YouGlish.com