


Freude is a German noun that translates to “joy” or “pleasure” in English. It refers to a feeling of great happiness, contentment, or delight. It is the opposite of sadness or sorrow and is often associated with positive experiences or events.


  • Glück (happiness)
  • Vergnügen (enjoyment)
  • Begeisterung (enthusiasm)


  • Trauer (sadness)
  • Kummer (grief)
  • Leid (sorrow)


  1. Sie strahlte vor Freude, als sie die gute Nachricht hörte. (She beamed with joy when she heard the good news.)
  2. Die Kinder lachten vor Freude, als der Zirkus in die Stadt kam. (The children laughed with happiness when the circus came to town.)
  3. Das Konzert war ein Fest der Freude und der Musik. (The concert was a celebration of joy and music.)

In conclusion, Freude is a powerful word that evokes feelings of happiness, pleasure, and delight. Its synonyms include Glück and Vergnügen, while its opposites are Trauer, Kummer, and Leid. It is a word that encompasses the positive emotions experienced in various situations, whether it be hearing good news, enjoying an event, or celebrating music.\ Visit

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