

Gemütlich is a popular German word that has several related meanings. It is often used to describe a comfortable and cozy atmosphere or a situation that is pleasant or enjoyable.


Gemütlich has several possible definitions. It can mean:

  • Comfortable
  • Cozy
  • Homely
  • Relaxing
  • Pleasant


Gemütlich is often contrasted with words like:

  • Uncomfortable
  • Cold
  • Uninviting
  • Stressful


Gemütlich is similar in meaning to many other German words, including:

  • Behaglich
  • Gemütlichkeit
  • Wohlbehagen


Here are some examples of how gemütlich might be used in everyday conversation:

  • “Das Wohnzimmer ist sehr gemütlich eingerichtet.” (The living room is furnished very comfortably.)
  • “Heute bleibe ich den ganzen Tag zu Hause und mache es mir gemütlich.” (Today I’m staying at home all day and making it cozy.)
  • “Es war so gemütlich am Kaminfeuer zu sitzen und eine Tasse Tee zu trinken.” (It was so nice to sit by the fireplace and drink a cup of tea.)

Overall, gemütlich is a versatile and useful German word that is often used to describe a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.\ Visit

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