


Glück is a German word that translates to “luck” or “happiness” in English. This versatile word has different meanings and can be used in various contexts.


  1. Luck: Glück refers to the concept of luck or fortune. It signifies a favorable or advantageous state of affairs.

  2. Happiness: Glück is often used to describe the state of being happy or content. It represents a feeling of joy and satisfaction.


  • Pech: Pech is the opposite of glück and means “misfortune” or “bad luck” in German. While glück represents positive outcomes, Pech signifies negative events or unfavorable circumstances.

  • Unglücklich: Unglücklich is the opposite of glücklich, which means “unhappy” or “unfortunate.” It refers to the absence of joy or contentment.


  • Froh: Froh is a synonym for glücklich and means “happy” or “glad.” It shares a similar connotation of happiness and positive emotions.

  • Wohlgefühl: Wohlgefühl can be used as a synonym for Glück and translates to “well-being” or “comfort.” It describes the pleasant state of feeling content or satisfied.


  1. Ich hatte Glück in der Lotterie und habe 10.000 Euro gewonnen. (I was lucky in the lottery and won 10,000 euros.)

  2. Nach all den Jahren bin ich immer noch glücklich verheiratet. (After all these years, I am still happily married.)

  3. Leider hatte er Pech und sein Auto wurde gestohlen. (Unfortunately, he had bad luck and his car was stolen.)

  4. Sie strahlt vor Glück, seit sie ihren Traumjob bekommen hat. (She is radiating with happiness since she got her dream job.)

In summary, Glück represents both luck and happiness in German. It has opposites such as Pech (misfortune) and unglücklich (unhappy), while synonyms include froh (happy) and Wohlgefühl (well-being). Examples demonstrate its usage in different contexts, showing how Glück can describe positive outcomes, joyful emotions, and contentment.\ Visit

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