“Glück” is a common German word that means “happiness” or “luck”. It is often used to describe a state of well-being or contentment.
- Happiness: “Glück” refers to the feeling of joy or satisfaction.
- Luck: This word can also mean good fortune or success in certain situations.
- Unglück: The opposite of “Glück” is “Unglück”, which means “misfortune”. It represents the absence of luck or happiness.
- Pech: Another opposite word for “Glück” is “Pech”, which translates to “bad luck”.
- Freude: “Freude” is a synonym for “Glück”. It is also used to describe joy or delight.
- Wohlbehagen: This word can be used interchangeably with “Glück” to express a sense of well-being and contentment.
- “Ich wünsche dir viel Glück bei deiner Prüfung!” (I wish you good luck on your exam!)
- “Das Glück war auf meiner Seite und ich habe die Lotterie gewonnen.” (Luck was on my side, and I won the lottery.)
- “Es erfüllt mich mit Glück, meine Familie um mich zu haben.” (Having my family around fills me with happiness.)
In summary, “Glück” is a versatile German word that encompasses both happiness and luck. Its opposites include “Unglück” and “Pech”, while synonyms for “Glück” include “Freude” and “Wohlbehagen”. The word is commonly used in various contexts, such as wishing someone luck or describing personal contentment.\ Visit