Abendlicht (Evening light)

Abendlicht (Evening light)


Abendlicht, translated as “evening light” in English, refers to the natural illumination that occurs during the late afternoon and early evening hours. It is the soft, warm glow of light that tinges the surroundings as the sun begins to set. Abendlicht is characterized by its gentle and soothing qualities, often casting long shadows and creating a serene ambiance.


  • Morgendämmerung (dawn) - Morgendämmerung represents the opposite of Abendlicht, signifying the early morning light as the sun rises. While Abendlicht is serene and calming, Morgendämmerung is often associated with a sense of vitality and awakening.


  • Dämmerlicht (twilight light) - Dämmerlicht is a synonym for Abendlicht, emphasizing the transitional period between day and night. This term captures the enchanting and mystical quality of the diminishing daylight.


  1. Das Abendlicht schien golden auf die Felder und verlieh ihnen einen malerischen Anblick. (The evening light shone golden on the fields, lending them a picturesque sight.)
  2. Der Maler nutzte das Abendlicht, um die warmen Farbtöne in seinem Gemälde einzufangen. (The painter used the evening light to capture the warm hues in his painting.)
  3. Das Abendlicht tauchte die Umgebung in ein sanftes Orangerot und erzeugte eine romantische Stimmung. (The evening light bathed the surroundings in a gentle orange-red, creating a romantic atmosphere.)

Abendlicht encompasses the ethereal beauty and tranquility that emerges during the twilight hours, conveying a sense of peacefulness and wonder.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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