Adel (Noble)
- der Adel: This German noun refers to the nobility, or noble class. It represents a social group traditionally characterized by hereditary privileges, wealth, and high social status.
- Bürgerliche (middle class): The middle class represents the opposite of the nobility, as it includes individuals who do not possess the hereditary privileges or titles associated with the noble class.
- Edel (noble): Edel can be used as a synonym for Adel to describe someone or something that is characterized by high moral qualities, dignity, or excellence.
- Der Graf ist ein Mitglied des Adels. (The count is a member of the nobility.)
- Die Adelsfamilie besitzt verschiedene Schlösser. (The noble family owns several castles.)
- Adel verpflichtet. (Noblesse oblige.)
Please note that the word “Adel” is typically used in a historical context, as Germany no longer has a nobility with legal privileges. Nonetheless, the term is still understood and used in historical, literary, and figurative contexts.\ Visit