


Ameise (feminine noun) is the German word for ant in English. It refers to any of the small social insects that live in organized colonies and form highly organized and complex societies. Ants are known for their strong work ethic, as they work collectively to build and maintain their nests, gather food, and protect their colony.


Although there is no direct opposite of Ameise in terms of its meaning as an ant, it can be seen as the opposite of solitary insects, which do not live in organized colonies.


Synonyms for Ameise include:

  • Fleißame (hardworking one): This emphasizes the industrious nature of ants.
  • Kolonieinsekt (colony insect): This highlights the social aspect of ants.


Here are a few examples of how Ameise can be used in sentences:

  • Die Ameisen tragen Nahrung in ihre Nester. (The ants carry food into their nests.)
  • Im Sommer kann man Ameisen auf dem Picknicktisch beobachten. (In the summer, one can observe ants on the picnic table.)
  • Die Ameisenstraße führt zum Zuckerkrümel auf dem Boden. (The ant trail leads to the sugar crumb on the floor.)

Ants are fascinating creatures that demonstrate attributes of hard work, collaboration, and resilience. They are an essential part of our ecosystem, playing crucial roles in various ecosystems like dispersing seeds, aerating the soil, and controlling pests.\ Visit

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