Definition: Anfrage (feminine noun) means “inquiry” or “request” in German. It is derived from the verb “anfragen,” which means “to inquire” or “to request.”
Opposite: The opposite of Anfrage is “Angebot,” which means “offer” or “proposal.” An inquiry seeks information or a request for something, while an offer provides the required information or proposes a solution.
Synonyms: Some synonyms for Anfrage include “Nachfrage” (demand), “Bitten” (plead), “Aufforderung” (prompting), and “Bitte um Auskunft” (request for information).
- Ich habe eine Anfrage zu Ihrem Produkt. (I have an inquiry about your product.)
- Können Sie meine Anfrage bitte weiterleiten? (Can you please forward my request?)
- Die Anfrage bezüglich des Termins wurde bestätigt. (The inquiry regarding the appointment has been confirmed.)
Anfrage is a versatile word frequently used in both formal and informal contexts to express requests or inquiries, making it an essential term in everyday German communication.\ Visit YouGlish.com