Angenehm means pleasant or agreeable in English. It is used to describe something that brings pleasure or comfort. The word is derived from the German prefix “an-“ meaning “to” or “towards” and “genähm” meaning “pleasant.” Angenehm is often used to express positive feelings or emotions towards a person, situation, or experience.
The opposite of angenehm is unangenehm, which means unpleasant or disagreeable. While angenehm describes something that is enjoyable, unangenehm refers to something that causes discomfort or negative feelings. For example, a cold winter day can be described as unangenehm due to the low temperatures and harsh weather conditions.
There are several synonyms for angenehm, depending on the context or the intensity of the pleasant feeling. Here are a few examples:
- Wohlwollend: benevolent or kindly
- Behaglich: cozy or comfortable
- Genussvoll: enjoyable or delightful
- Erbaulich: edifying or uplifting
- Die Musik auf der Party war angenehm und sorgte für gute Stimmung. (The music at the party was pleasant and created a good atmosphere.)
- Das Hotelzimmer war angenehm eingerichtet und bot einen schönen Ausblick auf die Landschaft. (The hotel room was pleasantly furnished and offered a beautiful view of the countryside.)
- Trotz der schwierigen Situation war das Gespräch mit ihm angenehm und entspannend. (Despite the difficult situation, the conversation with him was pleasant and relaxing.)
- Der Geruch von frisch gebackenem Brot im Haus ist einfach angenehm und beruhigend. (The smell of freshly baked bread in the house is simply pleasant and comforting.)
Overall, angenehm is a versatile word used to express the enjoyment or contentment one experiences in various aspects of life. Whether it’s the comfort of a cozy home or the pleasure found in social interactions, angenehm encapsulates the positive feelings we encounter in our daily lives.\ Visit YouGlish.com