


Angsthase is a German word that translates to “scaredy-cat” in English. It refers to a person who is easily scared or timid.


The opposite of a Angsthase is a mutiger Mensch, meaning a brave person who is fearless and daring.


Some synonyms for Angsthase include Feigling, Schisser and Hasenfuß, all of which convey a similar idea of cowardice.


  • Meine Schwester ist ein wahrer Angsthase und hat immer Angst vor Spinnen. (My sister is a true scaredy-cat and is always afraid of spiders.)

  • Er ist kein Angsthase, sondern ein wahrer Held. Er hat einen brennenden Baum gerettet. (He is not a scaredy-cat, but a true hero. He saved a burning tree.)

  • Bitte sei kein Angsthase! Wir müssen uns unseren Ängsten stellen, um zu wachsen. (Please don’t be a scaredy-cat! We have to face our fears in order to grow.)\ Visit

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