

Atmen (verb)


  • to breathe
  • to respire


  • Sterben (to die)
  • Ersticken (to suffocate)


  • Einatmen (to inhale)
  • Ausatmen (to exhale)


  1. Ich atme tief ein, um mich zu beruhigen. (I take a deep breath to calm myself down.)
  2. Die Blumen atmen den Duft des Frühlings ein. (The flowers inhale the scent of spring.)
  3. Er erstickt beinahe vor Lachen. (He is almost suffocating from laughter.)
  4. Nach dem Marathon konnte er kaum noch atmen. (After the marathon, he could barely breathe.)

Atmen is a fundamental bodily function that enables humans and animals to live by taking in oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. It is an automatic process controlled by the respiratory system. Atmen can also be used metaphorically to describe a refreshing experience or a moment of relief. It is essential to practice deep breathing for relaxation and stress reduction.\ Visit

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