


Aufbruch is a German noun that can be translated as “departure” or “setting off.” It refers to the act of leaving a place or starting a new journey.

Some related definitions of Aufbruch include:

  • Breakthrough: In a metaphorical sense, Aufbruch can also mean a breakthrough or a significant change in a person’s life or a society.
  • Revolution: Another synonym for Aufbruch would be revolution, representing a time of profound changes and transformation.


While Aufbruch signifies movement and change, its opposite, Stillstand (meaning “standstill” or “stagnation”), represents a lack of progress or motion. In contrast to Aufbruch, Stillstand often denotes a situation where no developments or advancements are happening.


Some synonyms for Aufbruch include:

  • Abfahrt: This word refers to a departure in the context of transportation, usually for a journey by train, bus, or ship.
  • Ausbruch: While Aufbruch represents the act of setting off for a new journey, Ausbruch signifies an escape or a breakout from a confined place or situation.


Here are a few examples illustrating the usage of Aufbruch:

  1. “Der Aufbruch zur Erkundung des Weltraums hat die Grenzen der menschlichen Vorstellungskraft erweitert.”
    (The departure for the exploration of space has expanded the boundaries of human imagination.)

  2. “Wir stehen am Anfang eines großen Aufbruchs, der zu positiven Veränderungen in der Gesellschaft führen kann.”
    (We are at the beginning of a great departure, which can lead to positive changes in society.)

  3. “Nach Jahren der Einschränkung erfolgte ein erwarteter Aufbruch und der Beginn eines neuen Kapitels in ihrem Leben.”
    (After years of restriction, an anticipated breakthrough happened, marking the start of a new chapter in her life.)\ Visit

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