Ausdauer (endurance) in German

Ausdauer (endurance) in German

Ausdauer is a German noun that describes the ability to persist in physical or mental effort for an extended period. This word has its roots in the German words “dauer” (duration) and “aus” (out). The combination of these words resulted in the word “Ausdauer,” which stands for the ability to remain persistent outside of oneself.


  • The ability to remain persistent and endure physical or mental effort
  • Stamina and perseverance
  • Tolerance for stress and strain


  • Intolerant
  • Impatient
  • Weakness
  • Short-winded


  • Durchhaltevermögen (resilience)
  • Beharrlichkeit (tenacity)
  • Widerstandskraft (resistance)


  • Wenn Du Deine Ausdauer trainieren möchtest, solltest Du Sport treiben. (If you want to improve your endurance, you should exercise.)
  • Ich staune immer wieder über seine Ausdauer im Job. (I am always amazed at his endurance and persistence at work.)
  • Ausdauer ist eine wichtige Eigenschaft, um ein guter Marathonläufer zu werden. (Endurance is an essential quality for becoming a good marathon runner.)\ Visit

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