

The word I have chosen is Ausgangssperre, which translates to “curfew” in English. It is a compound word, derived from three words - Ausgang (exit), Sperre (barrier) and Sperrstunde (closing time).

Definition: Ausgangssperre refers to a restriction on movement imposed by the authorities during certain hours, usually at night, in order to maintain public order and security.

Opposite: The opposite of Ausgangssperre would be “Freiheit” (freedom), which may refer to the freedom of movement without any restriction imposed by the authorities.

Synonyms: Other words that can be used as synonyms for Ausgangssperre include Sperrzeit, Nachtruhe or Nachtverbot (night ban).


  • Aufgrund der hohen Infektionszahlen hat die Regierung eine Ausgangssperre verhängt. (Due to the high infection rates, the government has imposed a curfew.)
  • Die Ausgangssperre beginnt um 22 Uhr und dauert bis 5 Uhr morgens (The curfew starts at 10 pm and lasts until 5 am)
  • Während der Ausgangssperre sind Menschen nur erlaubt, aus triftigem Grund ihre Wohnungen zu verlassen. (During the curfew, people are only allowed to leave their homes for essential reasons.)

In conclusion, Ausgangssperre is an important and relevant word in today’s world, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is essential to understand its meaning and follow the rules during such a restriction in order to maintain public health and safety.\ Visit

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