


The random German word for this post is “Ausgezeichnet.” It is an adjective that translates to “excellent” or “outstanding” in English. This word is commonly used to describe something of exceptional quality or to convey a high level of praise or approval.


The opposite of “Ausgezeichnet” can be “mangelhaft” or “schlecht,” which mean “poor” or “bad” in English. These words represent the opposite end of the spectrum and are used to express disappointment or dissatisfaction.


Some synonyms for “Ausgezeichnet” include:

  • Hervorragend: This word also means “excellent” and is used to describe something of superior quality.
  • Großartig: This term is often used to convey greatness or brilliance and can be used interchangeably with “Ausgezeichnet.”
  • Prima: This word is a more colloquial synonym for “Ausgezeichnet” and is commonly used in informal conversations to express approval or satisfaction.


Here are a few examples of how “Ausgezeichnet” can be used in sentences:

  1. Der Film war ausgezeichnet! (The movie was excellent!)
  2. Sie haben eine ausgezeichnete Arbeit geleistet. (You have done an outstanding job.)
  3. Das Restaurant wurde für seine ausgezeichnete Küche bekannt. (The restaurant became famous for its excellent cuisine.)

Overall, “Ausgezeichnet” is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to express admiration, praise, or appreciation. It adds a positive tone to any conversation or written text and is frequently used to commend exceptional achievements, products, or experiences.\ Visit

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