

In German, “Ausland” means “abroad” or “foreign country”. It is commonly used to refer to any country that is not the one in which you currently reside. “Ausland” can also refer to anything that comes from a foreign country.

Some synonyms for “Ausland” include “Fremde” (foreign land), “Übersee” (overseas) and “Ferne” (far away). The opposite of “Ausland” is “Inland” which means the country or area in which a person resides or the home country.

Examples of “Ausland” can include moving to a new country, studying abroad, or going on vacation to a foreign destination. People may also use the word “Ausländer” to refer to someone who is a foreigner in a country. “Ausländerbehörde” means foreigner’s office, where non-German residents have to register and handle their legal paperwork.

Overall “Ausland” is a useful word to know for anyone who is planning on traveling to a foreign country or anyone who has friends or family who live abroad.\ Visit

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