


Ausrede [noun] is a German word that translates to “excuse” or “pretext” in English. It refers to a statement or explanation given to justify one’s actions or avoid responsibility. Ausrede can be used in various contexts, whether it’s at work, school, or in personal relationships.


The opposite of Ausrede is “Begründung” which means “justification”. While an excuse is typically a way to avoid taking accountability, a justification provides logical reasons for one’s actions or decisions.


Some synonyms for Ausrede are “Vorwand” (pretext), “Rechtfertigung” (justification) and “Schutzbehauptung” (false claim). These words can be used interchangeably depending on the situation.


  • “Ich kann heute nicht zum Meeting kommen, ich habe eine Ausrede.” (I can’t come to the meeting today, I have an excuse.)
  • “Seine verspätete Lieferung war nur eine Ausrede, er hatte die Aufgabe einfach vergessen.” (His delayed delivery was just an excuse; he had simply forgotten the task.)
  • “Sie versucht immer, sich mit Ausreden vor der Verantwortung zu drücken.” (She always tries to avoid responsibility with excuses.)

Understanding the concept of Ausrede is important in recognizing when someone is trying to evade responsibility or provide an insincere explanation. Being aware of this word can help in identifying situations where genuine accountability is needed.\ Visit

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