Auszeit [noun]

Auszeit [noun]

Definition: Auszeit refers to a period of time when someone intentionally takes a break or retreats from their daily routine or responsibilities. It is commonly used in a context related to relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-care. The word “Auszeit” is derived from the German prefix “aus” (out) and “Zeit” (time), literally translating to “time out.”

Opposite: The opposite of Auszeit can be considered as “Alltag” which means “everyday life” or “routine.” While Auszeit represents taking a break from daily responsibilities, Alltag signifies getting back into the regular flow of life and resuming one’s daily activities.

Synonyms: Some synonyms for Auszeit include “Erholung” (recovery), “Pause” (pause), or “Ruhepause” (rest break). These words have a similar connotation and are often used interchangeably to describe a period of relaxation or rejuvenation.


  • Nach einem stressigen Arbeitstag benötige ich eine Auszeit, um mich zu erholen. (After a stressful day at work, I need a break to recover.)
  • Diese Woche nehme ich mir eine Auszeit von Social Media, um mich auf andere Dinge zu konzentrieren. (This week, I am taking a break from social media to focus on other things.)
  • Die Familie entschied sich für eine längere Auszeit und reiste für sechs Monate um die Welt. (The family decided to take an extended break and traveled around the world for six months.)

Remember, taking an Auszeit is essential for maintaining mental and emotional well-being. It allows individuals to recharge, reflect, and reconnect with themselves. So, don’t forget to schedule your next Auszeit soon!\ Visit— layout: post image: assets/images/posts/Auszeit.png title: Auszeit categories: [German Words] tags: [definition, opposite, synonym, examples] —


Auszeit is a German word that translates to “time out” in English. It is composed of two parts: “aus,” meaning “out,” and “zeit,” meaning “time.”

An Auszeit refers to a period of rest or break from one’s usual routine or responsibilities. It is a temporary withdrawal from daily activities to recharge, relax, and regain energy.


The opposite of an Auszeit would be a “work period” or “busy schedule,” where one is actively engaged in their regular tasks and commitments.


There are several synonyms for Auszeit, including:

  • Pause (break)
  • Ruhepause (rest break)
  • Entspannung (relaxation)
  • Erholung (recovery)


Here are a few examples of how Auszeit can be used in sentences:

  1. Nach einer stressigen Woche nahm sie sich eine Auszeit und reiste ans Meer. (After a stressful week, she took some time out and traveled to the seaside.)
  2. Die Firma ermöglicht ihren Mitarbeitern regelmäßige Auszeiten, um ihre Produktivität zu steigern. (The company allows its employees regular time outs to enhance their productivity.)
  3. Er nimmt sich jeden Abend eine kurze Auszeit, um ein Buch zu lesen. (He takes a short time out every evening to read a book.)

During an Auszeit, individuals have the opportunity to replenish their energy levels, eliminate stress, and rejuvenate their minds and bodies. It is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.\ Visit

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