Ball (Noun)

Ball (Noun)


  1. A round object used in various sports and games, typically made of leather or plastic and filled with air or other substances.

  2. A formal social gathering for dancing.

  3. A spherical or roughly spherical object, often used for decorative purposes.


  • Cube
  • Rectangle
  • Pyramid


  • Kugel
  • Globus
  • Sphere


  • Wir spielten Fußball im Park. (We played soccer in the park.)
  • Sie hielt den Ball fest in der Hand. (She held the ball tightly in her hand.)
  • Der Ball rollte die Treppe hinunter. (The ball rolled down the stairs.)
  • Beim Maskenball trugen alle Gäste ausgefallene Kostüme. (At the masquerade ball, all the guests wore extravagant costumes.)
  • Er jonglierte mit drei Bällen gleichzeitig. (He juggled three balls at the same time.)

Please note that this post focuses on the noun “Ball” in German, which means “ball” in English. The word “Ball” can also be used as a verb, but those meanings are not covered in this post.\ Visit

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