Bank (noun)
Bank is a common German noun with multiple meanings and usages. Here, we will explore its definitions, opposites, synonyms, and provide some examples.
- A financial institution where customers can deposit and withdraw money, obtain loans, and perform various transactions.
- A long seat or a bench, usually placed in parks or other public areas for people to sit on.
- The sloping sides of a river, lake, or sea, often used for sitting, fishing, or recreational purposes.
- A raised area or elevated platform, such as a stage or dais.
- The opposite of a financial institution is “Kunde” (customer).
- The opposite of a long seat or a bench is “Stehplatz” (standing space).
- The opposite of the sloping sides of a river, lake, or sea is “Ufer” (shore).
- The opposite of a raised area or elevated platform is “Tiefland” (lowland).
- For a financial institution, synonyms include “Geldinstitut” or “Kreditinstitut.”
- Synonyms for a long seat or a bench are “Sitzbank” or “Ruhebank.”
- Synonyms for the sloping sides of a river, lake, or sea are “Böschung” or “Promenade.”
- Synonyms for a raised area or elevated platform include “Podium” or “Estrade.”
- Definiton 1:
- “Ich muss zur Bank gehen, um meine Miete zu überweisen.” (I have to go to the bank to transfer my rent.)
- “Peter arbeitet bei einer Bank als Geschäftsführer.” (Peter works at a bank as a manager.)
- Definiton 2:
- “Lass uns auf die Bank setzen und die Aussicht genießen.” (Let’s sit on the bench and enjoy the view.)
- “Die alte Dame saß auf der Bank und fütterte die Tauben.” (The old lady sat on the bench and fed the pigeons.)
- Definiton 3:
- “An der Bank des Flusses ist ein idealer Ort zum Picknicken.” (The bank of the river is an ideal spot for picnicking.)
- “Er angelt gerne von der Bank des Sees aus.” (He enjoys fishing from the bank of the lake.)
- Definiton 4:
- “Der Redner stand auf der Bank und hielt seine Rede.” (The speaker stood on the platform and delivered his speech.)
- “Die Musiker betraten das Podium und begannen ihre Darbietung.” (The musicians stepped onto the stage and started their performance.)
Bank is a versatile word in German, encompassing various contexts ranging from finance to recreational areas. Its different meanings and nuances enable its usage in diverse scenarios.\ Visit