

Bauchgefühl is a German compound word made of Bauch (belly) and Gefühl (feeling). The word Biuchegefühl is used to describe a strong sense of intuition or instinctive feeling, usually related to making decisions or judgments. Here are some definitions, opposites, and synonyms of Bauchgefühl.


  • A strong sense of intuition that arises from the gut or belly
  • An instinctive feeling that is not based on reason or cognitive thought
  • A bodily response that guides decision-making
  • A deep-seated feeling or inner voice that warns or guides a decision


  • Overthinking
  • Rationalizing
  • Ignoring one’s instinct


  • Intuition
  • Gut feeling
  • Sixth sense


  1. Sara had a bad Bauchgefühl about getting into the car with the stranger. She skipped the ride and took a cab instead.
  2. Despite the excellent terms of the job offer, Tom had a negative Bauchgefüh and decided not to take the position.
  3. Reluctant to follow his Bauchgefüh, Dan made a wrong business decision and ended up losing money.

Bauchgefühl is a term that is intrinsically German in origin. However, the English language has since assimilated it into its vocabulary given that it is a relatable phenomenon that one can experience regardless of their origin or language. It is said that one should always follow their Bauchgefühl because it is one’s body’s way of communicating with the conscious mind. It is essential to listen to it when making critical decisions, such as taking a new job, moving to a new location, or starting a new business venture.\ Visit

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