Beet (Noun)
Beet is a German noun that refers to a raised bed specifically used for cultivation in gardening or farming. It can be a standalone bed or part of a larger plant bed system. Beets are commonly used to cultivate various vegetables, herbs, or flowers.
The opposite of a beet is a flat or levelled garden bed where crops are grown directly on the ground without any raised edges or borders.
- Hochbeet
- Gemüsebeet
- Pflanzbeet
- Ich habe gestern ein Beet mit Karotten und Radieschen angelegt. (Yesterday, I created a raised bed with carrots and radishes.)
- Das Beet mit den Blumen sieht wunderschön aus. (The flower bed looks beautiful.)
- Brauchen wir noch ein weiteres Beet für den Basilikum? (Do we need another raised bed for the basil?)
Note: The word “Beet” can also denote a vegetable commonly known as the beetroot in English. The context provided above, however, focuses solely on the gardening and farming terminology associated with the German noun “Beet.”\ Visit