Beet (Noun)

Beet (Noun)


Beet is a German noun that refers to a raised bed specifically used for cultivation in gardening or farming. It can be a standalone bed or part of a larger plant bed system. Beets are commonly used to cultivate various vegetables, herbs, or flowers.


The opposite of a beet is a flat or levelled garden bed where crops are grown directly on the ground without any raised edges or borders.


  1. Hochbeet
  2. Gemüsebeet
  3. Pflanzbeet


  1. Ich habe gestern ein Beet mit Karotten und Radieschen angelegt. (Yesterday, I created a raised bed with carrots and radishes.)
  2. Das Beet mit den Blumen sieht wunderschön aus. (The flower bed looks beautiful.)
  3. Brauchen wir noch ein weiteres Beet für den Basilikum? (Do we need another raised bed for the basil?)

Note: The word “Beet” can also denote a vegetable commonly known as the beetroot in English. The context provided above, however, focuses solely on the gardening and farming terminology associated with the German noun “Beet.”\ Visit

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