


Begreifen is a German verb that translates to “to comprehend” or “to understand” in English. It is derived from the word “Begriff,” which means “concept” or “notion.”


The opposite of begreifen is “nicht begreifen,” which means “to not understand” or “to fail to grasp.” Another opposite can be “missverstehen,” which is the German word for “to misunderstand.”


Some synonyms for begreifen include:

  • Verstehen: to understand
  • Erfassen: to grasp
  • Kapieren: to catch on


  1. Ich kann kaum begreifen, wie schnell die Zeit vergeht. (I can hardly comprehend how quickly time flies.)
  2. Sie hat es sofort begriffen. (She understood it immediately.)
  3. Ich kann nicht begreifen, warum er so handelt. (I can’t understand why he acts like this.)
  4. Es ist schwierig, die Fülle an Informationen zu begreifen. (It is difficult to comprehend the abundance of information.)

Begreifen is a fundamental word in German, representing the act of understanding and grasping concepts in various contexts. Whether it is used to express one’s comprehension of a complex idea or to convey confusion about someone’s actions, this versatile verb plays a crucial role in communication.\ Visit

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