

Bergsteigen is a German word that translates to “mountaineering” in English. It is derived from the combination of two words: “Berg” meaning “mountain” and “steigen” meaning “to climb.” This term encompasses the activity of climbing mountains, often involving steep ascents and intense physical exertion.

Definition: Bergsteigen refers to the sport or recreational activity of ascending mountains by various methods, such as hiking, scrambling, or rock climbing. It involves the exploration of mountainous regions and reaching their summits, often requiring specialized skills, equipment, and experience.


  • Gipfelstürmen (summit storming)
  • Alpinismus (alpinism)
  • Felsklettern (rock climbing)


  • Absteigen (descend)
  • Bergabgehen (go downhill)


  • Peter hat letzten Sommer angefangen, Bergsteigen zu betreiben. ([Peter started mountaineering last summer.])
  • Wir planen eine Bergsteigertour in den Alpen. ([We are planning a mountaineering tour in the Alps.])
  • Sie hat eine große Leidenschaft für das Bergsteigen und hat bereits viele Gipfel erklommen. ([She has a great passion for mountaineering and has already conquered many summits.])

Bergsteigen is an exhilarating and challenging activity that allows individuals to immerse themselves in nature while pushing their physical and mental limits. It showcases the breathtaking beauty of mountains and the satisfaction of overcoming obstacles to reach new heights. Whether it’s hiking, climbing, or scrambling, mountaineering offers a unique experience for outdoor enthusiasts seeking adventure and a profound connection with the natural world.\ Visit

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