- Bienen (noun) - plural form of Biene (bee)
- Hornissen (noun) - hornets, a species of wasp that is larger and more aggressive than bees
- Wespen (noun) - wasps, another species of insect that can be differentiated from bees by their slender bodies and smooth appearance
- Honigbienen (noun) - honey bees, a common type of bee that is known for producing honey
- Wildbienen (noun) - wild bees, a diverse group of bees that play a crucial role in pollinating plants and crops
- Die Bienen sammeln Nektar, um daraus Honig zu machen. (The bees collect nectar to make honey.)
- Honigbienen sind für die Bestäubung von Pflanzen sehr wichtig. (Honey bees are essential for plant pollination.)
- Im Sommer summen die Bienen über den Blumenwiesen. (In summer, the bees buzz over the flower meadows.)\ Visit YouGlish.com