Definition: One word translated as “blind bullet” in English, Blindgänger refers to a potentially dangerous explosive device that did not detonate when it was supposed to. This can include unexploded bombs or grenades, which pose a serious threat to the safety of individuals in the area.
Opposite: The opposite of a Blindgänger would be an “entwaffnete Bombe” (disarmed bomb), where the explosive device has been successfully defused or rendered harmless.
Synonyms: Some synonyms for Blindgänger include “unausgelöster Sprengsatz” (untriggered explosive device) or “nicht explodierte Munition” (unexploded ordnance).
- Nach dem Krieg wurden viele Blindgänger in Frankfurt entschärft. (After the war, many unexploded bombs were defused in Frankfurt)
- Die Bauarbeiter fanden einen Blindgänger auf der Baustelle. (The construction workers found an unexploded ordnance on the construction site)\ Visit