- [das Boot] - This German word translates to “boat” in English. It refers to a vessel used for traveling or transporting goods on water. Example: “Wir haben ein kleines Boot im Hafen gemietet.” (We have rented a small boat at the harbor.)
- [das Ufer] - Meaning “shore” or “bank,” this is the opposite of “Boot.” While “Boot” refers to a vessel on water, “Ufer” represents the land or shore adjacent to the water. Example: “Wir entspannten uns am Ufer des Sees.” (We relaxed on the shore of the lake.)
- [das Schiff] - This word is a synonym for “Boot” and means “ship” in English. It generally refers to larger vessels or those used for commercial purposes. Example: “Das Kreuzfahrtschiff fährt rund um die Welt.” (The cruise ship travels around the world.)
- “Wir hatten viel Spaß beim Angeln in unserem kleinen Boot.” (We had a lot of fun fishing in our small boat.)
- “Sie segeln gerne mit dem Boot auf dem Fluss.” (They enjoy sailing with the boat on the river.)
- “Das Boot kenterte bei dem starken Sturm.” (The boat capsized during the strong storm.)
- “Die Kinder machten eine Bootsfahrt auf dem See.” (The children went on a boat trip on the lake.)
By examining the definitions, opposites, synonyms and examples of the word “Boot,” we can understand its various contexts and usage in German.\ Visit