


  • [das Boot] - This German word translates to “boat” in English. It refers to a vessel used for traveling or transporting goods on water. Example: “Wir haben ein kleines Boot im Hafen gemietet.” (We have rented a small boat at the harbor.)


  • [das Ufer] - Meaning “shore” or “bank,” this is the opposite of “Boot.” While “Boot” refers to a vessel on water, “Ufer” represents the land or shore adjacent to the water. Example: “Wir entspannten uns am Ufer des Sees.” (We relaxed on the shore of the lake.)


  • [das Schiff] - This word is a synonym for “Boot” and means “ship” in English. It generally refers to larger vessels or those used for commercial purposes. Example: “Das Kreuzfahrtschiff fährt rund um die Welt.” (The cruise ship travels around the world.)


  1. “Wir hatten viel Spaß beim Angeln in unserem kleinen Boot.” (We had a lot of fun fishing in our small boat.)
  2. “Sie segeln gerne mit dem Boot auf dem Fluss.” (They enjoy sailing with the boat on the river.)
  3. “Das Boot kenterte bei dem starken Sturm.” (The boat capsized during the strong storm.)
  4. “Die Kinder machten eine Bootsfahrt auf dem See.” (The children went on a boat trip on the lake.)

By examining the definitions, opposites, synonyms and examples of the word “Boot,” we can understand its various contexts and usage in German.\ Visit

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