


The German word “Brückenbild” is composed of the terms “Brücke” (bridge) and “Bild” (image or picture). “Brückenbild” can be understood as a metaphorical image that symbolizes the bridging between different elements, concepts, or perspectives.


The opposite of “Brückenbild” can be seen as “Trennungsbild,” which would represent an image of separation or division. While “Brückenbild” signifies connection and unity, “Trennungsbild” would convey a sense of disconnection or isolation.


Some synonyms for “Brückenbild” include:

  • Verbindungsbild (image of connection)
  • Vereinigungsbild (image of unity)
  • Verbildlichung der Brücke (visual representation of the bridge)


Here are a few examples illustrating the usage of “Brückenbild” in different contexts:

  1. In a literal sense: “Das Brückenbild über den Fluss beeindruckte die Besucher mit seiner Architektur” (The image of the bridge over the river impressed the visitors with its architecture).
  2. In social and cultural contexts: “Die Kunstausstellung bot ein Brückenbild zwischen verschiedenen Kulturen” (The art exhibition provided a bridge image between different cultures).
  3. In philosophical discussions: “Das Brückenbild zwischen Rationalität und Spiritualität ist immer wieder Gegenstand der Debatte” (The bridge image between rationality and spirituality is repeatedly the subject of debate).

“Brückenbild” captures the idea of connecting diverse elements visually and metaphorically, emphasizing the importance of unity and bridging gaps.\ Visit

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