Definition: The German word “bunt” translates to “colorful” in English. It describes something that is bright and vibrant with various colors.
Opposite: The opposite of “bunt” would be “eintönig” or “monotonous”, referring to something that is dull or lacking in color variety.
Synonyms: Some synonyms for “bunt” include “farbenfroh” (colorful) and “vielfältig” (diverse).
- Das Kleid der Frau war bunt und auffällig. (The woman’s dress was colorful and eye-catching.)
- Der Regenbogen am Himmel war sehr bunt. (The rainbow in the sky was very colorful.)
- Die Kinder malten ein buntes Bild mit vielen verschiedenen Farben. (The children painted a colorful picture with many different colors.)\ Visit YouGlish.com