


The random German word chosen for this Jekyll post is “Dauerhaft”. In German, “dauerhaft” is an adjective that means “permanent” or “long-lasting”. It refers to something that endures for a significant amount of time without being temporary or easily changed.


The opposite of “dauerhaft” is “vorübergehend”, which translates to “temporary” or “transitory” in English. While “dauerhaft” implies continuity and stability, “vorübergehend” indicates a temporary state or a restricted period of time.


Some synonyms of “dauerhaft” include:

  • “beständig” (constant)
  • “fest” (firm)
  • “unveränderlich” (unchangeable)
  • “stetig” (steady)


Here are a few examples that illustrate the usage of “dauerhaft” in different contexts:

  1. Die Entscheidung für eine dauerhafte Veränderung führte zu einem besseren Lebensstil. (The decision for a permanent change led to a better lifestyle.)
  2. Die dauerhafte Bindung zwischen den beiden Geschwistern ist bewundernswert. (The enduring bond between the two siblings is admirable.)
  3. Das Unternehmen verfolgt das Ziel, dauerhaft am Markt präsent zu sein. (The company aims to be permanently present in the market.)

Remember, “dauerhaft” emphasizes the aspect of permanence, indicating something that lasts for a considerable duration of time.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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