Definition of "Mutter" (noun)
The German word “Mutter” (pronounced moo-ter) is a common noun referring to the role of a mother. It is widely used in the German language and has several definitions, opposites, synonyms, and examples, as follows:
- Noun: the female parent who gives birth to or raises a child.
- Vater (father) - the male parent of a child.
- Mama (mom) - an informal term for “Mutter.”
- Mami (mum) - another informal term for “Mutter.”
- Mutti (mum) - a slightly more familiar term for “Mutter.”
- Meine Mutter kocht das beste Essen. (My mother cooks the best food.)
- Meine Mutter arbeitet als Ärztin. (My mother works as a doctor.)
- Ich liebe meine Mutter sehr. (I love my mother very much.)
- Die Mutter liest ihrem Kind eine Geschichte vor. (The mother reads a story to her child.)
- Meine Mutter gibt mir immer gute Ratschläge. (My mother always gives me good advice.)
- Meine Mutter ist die Beste! (My mother is the best!)
“Mutter” is a vital word in the German language, representing the loving and nurturing role of a mother. It is often used to express affection, respect, and appreciation for one’s own mother or any mother figure in general.\ Visit YouGlish.com