![Der Hund ([noun])](/assets/images/posts/Der.png)
Der Hund ([noun])
Der** Hund**, always capitalized, is the German term for “dog.” Whether a domestic pet or a working breed, canines of all shapes and sizes fall under this general term.
The opposite of der Hund is die Katze ([noun]), which translates to “cat” in English. While der Hund represents a loyal and courageous companion, die Katze embodies independence and grace.
- der Köter ([noun]) - This colloquial term is often used to refer to a mutt or a dog of mixed breed.
- der Wauwau ([noun]) - More commonly used in children’s language, this word imitates the sound made by barking dogs and describes any type of dog.
- Mein Hund heißt Bruno. (My dog’s name is Bruno.)
- Wir gehen gerne mit unserem Hund spazieren. (We enjoy taking walks with our dog.)
- Jeder liebt es, wenn der Hund sein Bällchen zurückbringt. (Everyone loves it when the dog brings back his little ball.)\ Visit YouGlish.com