


Determination (in German: Entschlossenheit) describes the strong will and firmness of purpose that individuals possess to achieve their goals or overcome obstacles. It signifies the unwavering dedication to pursue and achieve desired outcomes.


  1. Indecision (in German: Unentschlossenheit): the lack of determination or inability to make firm decisions. It characterizes a state of uncertainty and hesitation.
  2. Apathy (in German: Apathie): the absence of determination or interest in accomplishing goals. It represents a lack of motivation or care towards achieving desired outcomes.


  1. Resolve (in German: Entschluss): a synonym that denotes a firm determination or decision taken to achieve a particular goal or resolve an issue.
  2. Perseverance (in German: Durchhaltevermögen): the continued effort and determination in the face of barriers, challenges, or setbacks. It showcases a strong determination to overcome obstacles and achieve desired outcomes.


  1. Despite facing numerous challenges, Anna’s determination to become a doctor never wavered.
  2. Mark’s determination to improve his fitness led him to follow a strict exercise and diet regimen.
  3. The team’s determination to win the championship motivated them to train for long hours every day.
  4. With sheer determination, Sarah pursued her dream of starting her own business, eventually achieving great success.

Determination is a fundamental characteristic that drives individuals towards success and personal growth. It enables them to overcome obstacles, persevere through challenges, and achieve their goals.\ Visit

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