

Dreieck (noun) refers to a geometric shape consisting of three sides and three angles. It is commonly translated as “triangle” in English.


The opposite of Dreieck is Viereck, which means “quadrilateral” or “four-sided figure”. While a Dreieck has three sides, a Viereck has four sides.


Some synonyms for Dreieck are:

  1. Drei Seiten (meaning “three sides” in English)
  2. Drei Winkel (meaning “three angles” in English)
  3. Drei Punkte (meaning “three points” in English)


Here are a few examples illustrating the use of Dreieck in context:

  1. Ein gleichseitiges Dreieck hat drei gleich lange Seiten. (An equilateral triangle has three sides of equal length.)
  2. Der Architekt entwarf das Gebäude mit einem großen Dreieck als Hauptelement. (The architect designed the building with a large triangle as the main element.)
  3. Das Verkehrsschild zeigt ein rotes Dreieck mit einem Ausrufezeichen in der Mitte. (The traffic sign displays a red triangle with an exclamation mark in the center.)

Overall, Dreieck is a fundamental geometric concept that plays a significant role in various fields such as mathematics, architecture, and road signs.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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