Definition: Durst
is a German noun that refers to the physical sensation of being thirsty.
Opposite: The opposite of Durst
is Sättigung
, which means satiation or feeling full.
Synonyms: Some synonyms for Durst
include “Trinkbedürfnis” (need for drink), “Flüssigkeitsmangel” (lack of fluids), and “Tranklust” (thirstiness).
- Ich habe großen Durst. (I am very thirsty.)
- Kannst du mir bitte etwas zu trinken bringen? Ich leide unter starkem Durst. (Can you please bring me something to drink? I am suffering from severe thirst.)
- Nach dem Sport habe ich immer Durst. (I am always thirsty after exercising.)
In summary, Durst
is a German word that describes the sensation of being thirsty. Its opposite is Sättigung
, and it can be replaced with synonyms such as “Trinkbedürfnis,” “Flüssigkeitsmangel,” and “Tranklust.”\ Visit YouGlish.com