


Eifersucht is a German word that translates to “jealousy” in English. It refers to a strong emotion characterized by possessiveness, suspicion, and a fear of losing someone’s affection or attention to another person. It is often accompanied by feelings of insecurity and a desire to protect one’s relationship.


The opposite of Eifersucht is “Vertrauen” which means “trust” in English. While jealousy is based on fear and doubt, trust is built on a solid foundation of confidence and certainty. Cultivating trust in a relationship can help alleviate feelings of jealousy and create a healthier and more secure connection.


Some synonyms for Eifersucht include “Neid” (envy) and “Missgunst” (ill-will). Although these words may not have identical meanings, they share a common theme of negative emotions related to someone else’s perceived advantage or success.


Here are a few examples that illustrate the use of Eifersucht in various contexts:

  1. “Die Eifersucht zwischen den Geschwistern führte zu ständigen Streitereien.” (The jealousy between the siblings led to constant arguments.)
  2. “Er kann nicht mit ansehen, wie seine Freundin mit anderen Männern spricht - seine Eifersucht übernimmt die Kontrolle.” (He can’t bear to watch his girlfriend talk to other men - his jealousy takes over.)
  3. “Ihre Eifersucht auf ihre Kollegin ist begründet, da sie ständig Beförderungen bekommt.” (Her jealousy towards her colleague is justified, as she constantly receives promotions.)

Eifersucht is a complex emotion that can have a significant impact on relationships. It is important to address and communicate about feelings of jealousy in order to maintain a healthy and trusting connection with others.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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