Einzug [noun]

Einzug [noun]


Einzug is a German noun that primarily refers to the act of moving into a new place, usually a residence. It can be used to describe the physical process of entering or occupying a location. In a broader context, Einzug can also relate to the ceremonial aspect, signifying the formal entry into a new chapter or phase of life.


The opposite of Einzug, in terms of moving into a new residence, would be Auszug. While Einzug signifies the act of settling into a new place, Auszug represents moving out or vacating a property. These two words are often used together when discussing the entire process of entering and leaving a location.


Some common synonyms for Einzug include Eintreffen and Heimkehr. Eintreffen emphasizes the arrival aspect and can be used when referring to the moment of entering a new place. Heimkehr, on the other hand, carries a poetic undertone and suggests a return or homecoming.


  1. Nachdem der Kauf abgeschlossen war, freute sich das junge Paar auf den Einzug in ihr neues Haus. (After the purchase was finalized, the young couple looked forward to moving into their new house.)
  2. Der Einzug des Künstlers in die Galerie war von vielen neugierigen Besuchern begleitet. (The artist’s entry into the gallery was attended by many curious visitors.)
  3. Beim Einzug in die Uni-Wohnheime halfen die älteren Studenten den Studienanfängern beim Tragen von Koffern und Umzugskartons. (During move-in day at the university dormitories, older students assisted freshmen in carrying their suitcases and moving boxes.)

In summary, Einzug encompasses the process of moving into a new residence or formally entering a new phase of life. It can be seen as the opposite of Auszug, while synonyms like Eintreffen and Heimkehr emphasize different aspects of the concept. Examples provide a practical understanding of the word’s usage.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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