“Ensinnäkin” is a German word that translates to “firstly” or “first of all” in English. It is used as an adverb to indicate the initial point or the first step in a series of actions, events, or arguments. The word is derived from the combination of the German words “erst” (first) and “nächtlie” (next).
The opposite of “ensinnäkin” is “viimeinkin,” which means “finally” or “at last.” While “ensinnäkin” highlights the beginning or introduction of a particular subject or order, “viimeinkin” signifies the conclusion or last step in a sequence.
Some synonyms for “ensinnäkin” are:
- “zunächst” (firstly)
- “an erster Stelle” (in the first place)
- “zuallererst” (above all)
Here are a few examples showcasing the usage of “ensinnäkin”:
- Ensinnäkin, haluaisin kiittää teitä kaikista avusta. (First of all, I would like to thank you for all the help.)
- Ensinnäkin, sinun täytyy suorittaa rekisteröityminen. (Firstly, you need to complete the registration.)
- Ensinnäkin, haluan esitellä itseni. (Firstly, let me introduce myself.)
“Ensinnäkin” serves as an essential transitional word in various contexts, helping to structure ideas and establish a logical order in both written and spoken German language.\ Visit YouGlish.com