


Enttäuschung is a German noun that refers to the feeling of disappointment or disillusionment. It is the emotional state experienced when expectations are not met or hopes are dashed.


  • Erfüllung (fulfillment) - the opposite of Enttäuschung, refers to the state of having expectations met or hopes realized.


  • Frustration: similar to Enttäuschung, this word also entails feelings of disappointment and irritation.
  • Desillusion: indicates a state of loss of belief or trust in something or someone.


  1. Nachdem er ein Jahr hart für die Prüfung gelernt hatte, war die Enttäuschung groß, als er das Ergebnis erfuhr. (After studying hard for a year, the disappointment was immense when he found out the result.)
  2. Das Team hatte große Hoffnungen auf den Gewinn des Turniers, doch die Enttäuschung war groß, als sie im Finale verloren haben. (The team had high hopes of winning the tournament, but the disappointment was immense when they lost in the final.)
  3. Die Enttäuschung über den Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes war schwer zu verkraften. (The disappointment over the loss of the job was hard to handle.)

Overall, Enttäuschung is a powerful word that captures the emotional weight of dashed expectations and the subsequent feeling of disappointment or disillusionment. It is a universal experience that everyone encounters at some point in their lives.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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