Erfindungsreich, translated to English, means resourceful or inventive. A compound word of Erfindung, meaning invention, and Reich, meaning rich or ample.
In the context of a person, Erfindungsreich means that they are able to come up with new ideas or solutions quickly and easily. They are creative and able to adapt to new situations.
Synonyms: einfallsreich, kreativ, genial, innovativ, einfallslos, phantasielos
Opposites: unkreativ, fantasielos, phantasielos, uninspiriert
- Mein Chef ist sehr erfindungsreich und findet immer einen Weg, um uns aus schwierigen Situationen zu helfen. (My boss is very resourceful and always finds a way to help us out of difficult situations.)
- Wir brauchen erfindungsreiche Ideen, um unsere Firma voranzutreiben. (We need resourceful ideas to advance our company.)
- Leider bin ich in dieser Situation nicht besonders erfindungsreich. (Unfortunately, I’m not very resourceful in this situation.)
Overall, being erfindungsreich is a desirable trait in both personal and professional settings. It allows for innovation and thinking outside of the box, ultimately leading to success.\ Visit