


Erholung is a German noun that refers to the act or process of recovering, resting, or rejuvenating oneself. It encompasses the idea of taking time off from work or daily routine to replenish one’s energy and find relaxation.


The opposite of Erholung is Anspannung, meaning tension or stress. While Erholung focuses on soothing and unwinding, Anspannung stands for pressure and strain. Balancing both is crucial for a healthy lifestyle.


  • Entspannung (relaxation)
  • Ruhe (rest)
  • Entschleunigung (deceleration)
  • Regeneration (regeneration)
  • Auszeit (time off)


  1. Nach einer langen Arbeitswoche gönne ich mir etwas Erholung an einem ruhigen Strand. (After a long work week, I treat myself to some relaxation at a quiet beach.)
  2. Eine gute Nachtruhe ist wichtig für die Erholung des Körpers und Geistes. (A good night’s sleep is important for the recovery of the body and mind.)
  3. In einem stressigen Alltag ist es wichtig, Momente der Erholung einzuplanen, um Burnout vorzubeugen. (In a stressful everyday life, it is important to schedule moments of relaxation to prevent burnout.)\ Visit

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