


Erlauben is a German verb that means “to allow” or “to permit.” It is a fundamental word used to express permission or granting authorization for someone to do something. This verb is commonly utilized in both formal and informal contexts.


The opposite of erlauben is verbieten, which translates to “to forbid” or “to prohibit.” While erlauben grants consent or authorization, verbieten denies permission and restricts an action.


Here are some synonyms for erlauben:

  • gestatten (to permit)
  • zulassen (to allow)
  • freigeben (to release)
  • dulden (to tolerate)


Here are a few examples illustrating the usage of erlauben:

  1. Kannst du mir erlauben, mein Fahrrad mitzunehmen? (Can you allow me to bring my bicycle?)
  2. Der Lehrer erlaubte den Schülern, die Präsentation gemeinsam vorzubereiten. (The teacher allowed the students to prepare the presentation together.)
  3. Die Geschäftsleitung hat uns erlaubt, Überstunden zu machen, um die Deadlines zu erreichen. (The management has permitted us to work overtime to meet the deadlines.)

Remember to conjugate the verb erlauben based on the subject and tense of the sentence.\ Visit

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