


Definition: Erlaubnis is a German noun that translates to “permission” or “authorization” in English. It refers to the act of granting someone the right or approval to do something.

Opposites: The opposite of Erlaubnis is “Verbot” which means “prohibition” or “forbidden”. While Erlaubnis signifies consent or allowance, Verbot indicates restriction or denial.

Synonyms: Some synonyms for Erlaubnis include Genehmigung, Zulassung, Gestattung, and Freigabe. All these terms essentially carry the same meaning of granting someone permission.


  • Kann ich eine Erlaubnis haben, das Auto zu fahren? (Can I have permission to drive the car?)
  • Die Erlaubnis zum Betreten des Privatgeländes muss beantragt werden. (Permission to enter the private premises must be requested.)
  • Dieses Dokument dient als Erlaubnis, das Grundstück zu betreten. (This document serves as permission to enter the property.)

In conclusion, Erlaubnis is a crucial word when it comes to seeking or granting permission in the German language. It is important to differentiate this term from its opposite, Verbot, as they convey completely opposite meanings in relation to permission. Synonyms of Erlaubnis can be used interchangeably to express the same idea.\ Visit

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