Synonyms: Dummkopf, Trottel, Narr
Opposite words: Genie, Experte, Klugkopf
(noun) A domesticated hoofed mammal of the horse family, with long ears and a braying call, used as a beast of burden.
Example: Ich habe gestern einen Esel auf dem Bauernhof gesehen.
(noun, slang) A foolish or stupid person.
Example: Hans ist ein Esel, er vergisst immer seine Schlüssel.
(noun, slang) A person who is slow or uncooperative in their actions or responses.
Example: Die Verkäuferin war so langsam, ein richtiger Esel.
The word “Esel” is often used in German both in a literal sense to refer to the animal, as well as in a slang sense to describe a foolish or uncooperative person. It can be considered a synonym for “Dummkopf” (fool), “Trottel” (numbskull), or “Narr” (simpleton). On the other hand, its opposite words are “Genie” (genius), “Experte” (expert), or “Klugkopf” (cleverhead).
In everyday usage, the word “Esel” is commonly employed metaphorically to express frustration or annoyance towards someone’s behavior or actions. It is worth noting that while this word may be used in a playful or teasing manner among friends, it can also be considered offensive or disrespectful in certain contexts.\ Visit YouGlish.com