


Definition: Faszination is a German noun that refers to a captivating or mesmerizing quality that something or someone possesses.

Opposite: The opposite of Faszination is Desinteresse, which means disinterest.

Synonyms: Some synonyms for Faszination include Begeisterung (enthusiasm), Anziehungskraft (attraction), and Verzauberung (enchantment).


  1. Die Faszination des Meeres lässt mich immer wieder an den Strand zurückkehren. (The fascination of the sea keeps drawing me back to the beach.)

  2. Sein Talent als Musiker übt eine immense Faszination auf sein Publikum aus. (His talent as a musician exerts immense fascination on his audience.)

  3. Die Faszination der Technologie hat dazu geführt, dass die Menschen immer vernetzter sind. (The fascination with technology has led to people becoming more interconnected.)

  4. Das Gemälde übt eine unerklärliche Faszination auf mich aus; ich kann meinen Blick nicht davon abwenden. (The painting has an inexplicable fascination on me; I can’t take my eyes off it.)

Faszination is a word that encompasses the intrigue, allure, and spellbinding nature of things that captivate us. Whether it be a person, an object, an idea, or an experience, Faszination represents the deep attraction and enchantment that pulls our attention and curiosity towards it. It is this sense of fascination that keeps us eagerly exploring the world around us, constantly seeking out new discoveries and experiences.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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