


Fensterbank, in German, refers to the windowsill or the lower horizontal surface that projects outwards from the bottom of a window. It serves both functional and aesthetic purposes, providing additional space for decoration or storage while also preventing water from seeping into the interior of the building.


The opposite of Fensterbank in German is “Fensterrahmen” which translates to window frame. While the Fensterbank extends from the window, the Fensterrahmen encompasses the entire structure that holds the window pane.


In some regions or in different contexts, Fensterbank may be referred to using alternative terms. Some of the synonyms for Fensterbank include:

  • Fensternische (window bay)
  • Simse (sill)
  • Blendrahmen (window casing)
  • Fenstersims (ledge)


Here are some examples of sentences using Fensterbank in different contexts:

  1. Das Kätzchen saß auf der Fensterbank und genoss die warme Sonne. (The kitten sat on the windowsill and enjoyed the warm sun.)
  2. Die Blumen wurden auf der Fensterbank platziert, um dem Raum Farbe zu verleihen. (The flowers were placed on the windowsill to add color to the room.)
  3. Sie legte ihre Bücher auf die Fensterbank, um mehr Platz auf dem Schreibtisch zu schaffen. (She put her books on the windowsill to free up more space on the desk.)

In conclusion, Fensterbank plays a significant role in German architecture and interior design, providing both practical and aesthetic benefits.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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