Definition: Fest is a German word that means “party” or “celebration”. It is used to describe a joyful and lively gathering of people to commemorate a special event or occasion. Fest can be used to refer to different types of celebrations, such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, or cultural festivals.
Opposite: The opposite of Fest in German is “Trauerfeier”, which means “funeral” or “mourning ceremony”. Unlike a fest, a Trauerfeier is a solemn gathering where people come together to pay their respects and mourn the loss of a loved one.
Synonyms: Some synonyms for Fest include “Feier” (festivity), “Fete” (party), and “Jubiläum” (anniversary celebration). These words can be used interchangeably to describe various festive occasions.
- Meine Familie veranstaltet jedes Jahr ein großes Sommerfest im Garten. (My family hosts a big summer party in the garden every year.)
- Der Karneval in Köln ist eines der bekanntesten Feste in Deutschland. (Carnival in Cologne is one of the most famous celebrations in Germany.)
- Wir haben gestern das Fest zum fünfzigsten Hochzeitstag meiner Großeltern gefeiert. (Yesterday, we celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary of my grandparents.)
Fest is a versatile and important word in German culture, representing the joyous spirit of communal celebrations and special moments in life.\ Visit YouGlish.com