Feuer (Fire) - Definitions, Opposites, Synonyms, and Examples

Feuer (Fire) - Definitions, Opposites, Synonyms, and Examples


  1. Feuer refers to the phenomenon of combustion that produces heat, light, and flames. It is an essential element for human survival, providing warmth, cooking, and protection against wild animals.

  2. In a metaphorical sense, Feuer represents passion, intensity, or fervor. It can describe a strong emotion or a powerful desire for something.


Here are some opposite concepts related to Feuer:

  1. Eis (Ice) - While fire emits warmth and energy, ice represents coldness and a lack of heat.

  2. Wasser (Water) - Fire and water are often seen as opposing forces. Water can extinguish fire, representing the power to control and extinguish this energetic element.


Here are some synonyms for Feuer:

  1. Flamme (Flame) – A visible, luminous gaseous part of a fire. It is a direct synonym for Feuer in terms of flames.

  2. Brand (Blaze) - Referring to a large and uncontrolled fire, this synonym emphasizes a more intense and dangerous aspect of fire.


  1. Der Kamin verbreitet an einem kalten Winterabend ein behagliches Feuer. (The fireplace spreads a cozy fire on a cold winter evening.)

  2. Sein Feuer für Musik ist ungebrochen, auch nach all den Jahren. (His passion for music is unbroken, even after all these years.)

  3. Das Feuer der Kerze erhellt den Raum. (The flame of the candle illuminates the room.)

  4. Die Feuerwehr wurde gerufen, um das Brand in der Fabrik zu löschen. (The fire department was called to extinguish the blaze in the factory.)

Remember, Feuer represents not only the physical element of fire but also the concept of passion and intensity. It is a versatile word that enables vivid descriptions and imagery in both literal and metaphorical contexts. \ Visit YouGlish.com— layout: post image: assets/images/posts/Feuer.png categories: [language] tags: [german] title: Feuer —


  • (noun) Fire


  • Wasser (Water)
  • Kälte (Cold)


  • Flamme (Flame)
  • Brand (Blaze)


  1. Das Feuer wärmt das Haus. (The fire warms the house.)
  2. Feuer kann gefährlich sein. (Fire can be dangerous.)
  3. Das Feuer brach in der Nacht aus. (The fire broke out in the night.)

Feuer is a German noun that translates to “fire” in English. It represents the combustion process that produces heat and light. Opposite to fire is water, as it can extinguish flames. Another opposite to fire is cold, as fire represents heat and warmth. Synonyms for fire include “Flamme” meaning flame and “Brand” meaning blaze.

Here are a few examples of how the word “Feuer” can be used in sentences:

  • “Das Feuer wärmt das Haus.” (The fire warms the house.)
  • “Feuer kann gefährlich sein.” (Fire can be dangerous.)
  • “Das Feuer brach in der Nacht aus.” (The fire broke out in the night.)

So remember, whenever you encounter the word “Feuer,” think of fire and its properties.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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