


Flughafen is a German noun that translates to “airport” in English. It is a compound word formed by combining the words “Flug” (flight) and “Hafen” (harbor).


The opposite of Flughafen is “Bahnhof” (train station) as it refers to a location where trains arrive and depart instead of airplanes.


Synonyms for Flughafen include:

  • “Luftverkehrsknoten” (air traffic hub)
  • “Terminal” (terminal)
  • “Flugplatz” (airfield)


Here are a few examples using the word Flughafen:

  1. Der Flughafen in Frankfurt ist einer der größten in Europa. (The airport in Frankfurt is one of the largest in Europe.)
  2. Wir treffen uns am Flughafen um 14 Uhr. (We will meet at the airport at 2 p.m.)
  3. Der Flughafen wurde heute wegen schlechten Wetters geschlossen. (The airport was closed today due to bad weather.)

Overall, Flughafen is a significant term when discussing transportation and travel in the German language.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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